Tener la coraza de justicia que significa Efesios 6:13-14

¿Qué significa tener puesta la coraza de justicia??

En Efesios 6:14, we read about the second element of the spiritual armor of God, which is the breastplate of righteousness. What does the Bible say about the breastplate of righteousness? What is the breastplate of righteousness and what

Lomos ceñidos con la verdad Efesios 6:14

¿Qué significa los lomos ceñidos de verdad??

Cuando naces de nuevo en Cristo, you have become a new creation and are clothed with Christ in the spiritual realm (Gálatas 3:27). This transformation, which has taken place in the spiritual realm has to become visible in

la armadura de la luz

¿Cuál es la armadura de la luz??

Every Christian, who by faith is born again in Jesus Christ by faith, is redeemed from the power of darkness and transferred into the light. The person doesn’t belong to the darkness anymore and shall not live in the

Armadura de oscuridad

La armadura de la oscuridad

There is a spiritual warfare between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. This spiritual warfare will last until Jesus Christ has cast the devil and his angels and sons into the eternal lake of fire. Every

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