Miecz Ducha Słowo Boże Efezjan 6:17

Miecz Ducha

W Liście do Efezjan 6:17, we read about the Sword of the Spirit. A soldier can wear the right uniform for protection, but if a soldier enters the battlefield without a weapon or if the soldier is unskilled and doesn’t know

Hełm zbawienia List do Efezjan 6:17 Izajasz 59:17

Co oznacza zdjęcie hełmu zbawienia??

W Liście do Efezjan 6:17, we read about the fifth element of the spiritual armor of God, which is the helmet of salvation. Paul commanded to take the helmet of salvation. What is the helmet of salvation? Co mówi Biblia…

Shield of faith Ephesians 6:16

The shield of faith

W Liście do Efezjan 6:16, we read about the fourth element of the spiritual armor of God, which is the shield of faith. Paul wrote that above all you should take the shield of faith, because with the shield of faith

Nogi obute w przygotowanie ewangelii pokoju Efezjan 6:15

Obute stopy w przygotowaniu ewangelii pokoju

Synowie Boży (zarówno mężczyźni, jak i samice) walk in the light and are witnesses of Jesus Christ, żywe Słowo i Syn Boga żywego. They are saved by faith in Jesus Christ; Droga, prawda,…

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