救赎的头盔 以弗所书 6:17 以赛亚 59:17

take the helmet of salvation 是什么意思?

在以弗所书中 6:17, we read about the fifth element of the spiritual armor of God, which is the helmet of salvation. Paul commanded to take the helmet of salvation. 什么是救赎的头盔? 圣经怎么说…

Shield of faith Ephesians 6:16

The shield of faith

在以弗所书中 6:16, we read about the fourth element of the spiritual armor of God, which is the shield of faith. Paul wrote that above all you should take the shield of faith, because with the shield of faith

脚上穿了以弗所书和平福音的预备鞋 6:15


The sons of God (男性和女性) walk in the light and are witnesses of Jesus Christ, the living Word and Son of the living God. They are saved by faith in Jesus Christ; the Way, the Truth,…

在公义的护心镜上,意思是以弗所书 6:13-14


在以弗所书中 6:14, 我们读到了上帝属灵军装的第二个要素, 这是公义的护心镜. 圣经对于公义的护心镜怎么说? What is the breastplate of righteousness and what

以真理束腰以弗所书 6:14


When you are born again in Christ, you have become a new creation and are clothed with Christ in the spiritual realm (加拉太书 3:27). This transformation, which has taken place in the spiritual realm has to become visible in

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