Grace of God and process of sanctification

The grace of God and the process of sanctification

The redemption of fallen man, through the perfect redemptive work of Jesus Christ, is not the final destination, but is only the beginning. When you become a partaker of the grace of God, you can no longer live the

Characteristics of days of Noah signs

Què són 7 característiques dels dies de Noè?

A Mateu 24:37, Jesús parlava de la seva vinguda i de la fi del món. Jesús va dir, entre d'altres, that the days would be as in the days of Noah. A què es referia Jesús? Què diu la Bíblia…

power of God's Word

The power of God’s Word

The power of God’s Word is often underestimated. And because of the fact that the power of God’s Word is underestimated, many people don’t read God’s Word anymore, let alone study God’s Word. Many people are too busy with

Strict God or a rebellious people

A strict God or a rebellious people?

In the Old Testament, we read about the relationship between God and His chosen people Israel (those, who are born of the seed of Jacob; Israel). We read about God’s love for His people, His goodness, long-suffering, protection, promises,…

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