

Every Christian, who by faith is born again in Jesus Christ by faith, is redeemed from the power of darkness and transferred into the light. The person doesn’t belong to the darkness anymore and shall not live in the

Armor of darkness

The armor of darkness

There is a spiritual warfare between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. This spiritual warfare will last until Jesus Christ has cast the devil and his angels and sons into the eternal lake of fire. Every

Grace of God and process of sanctification

The grace of God and the process of sanctification

The redemption of fallen man, through the perfect redemptive work of Jesus Christ, is not the final destination, but is only the beginning. When you become a partaker of the grace of God, you can no longer live the


什么是 7 挪亚时代的特点?

在马太福音中 24:37, Jesus was talking about His coming and the end of the world. 耶稣说, 除其他外, that the days would be as in the days of Noah. What was Jesus referring to? 圣经怎么说…

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