Bloodshed and lawlessness in the vineyard the church

The Bloodshed and lawlessness in the vineyard

Many churches are not controlled and steered from a pure and good church board that acts according to the will of God, which is written in the Word, and represents, preaches, and brings the holiness and righteousness of the

God rejected from many churches

God rejected from many churches

The devil tempted mankind with the lie, that if man would eat from the fruit of the forbidden tree, man would not surely die, as God said, but that the eyes of man would be opened and man would

Bahaya kewaspadaan

Apa bahayanya perhatian penuh?

Apa bahayanya perhatian penuh? Karena mindfulness terdengar begitu indah dan tampak menjanjikan; bahagia, tenang, sehat, dan kehidupan energik tanpa stres, Kelelahan, dan kelelahan. Tidak ada depresi, kecemasan, ketakutan, insomnia, kecanduan(S), Kekhawatiran, atau ketidakamanan, tetapi sukacita…

Bisakah Anda memisahkan filosofi dan praktik spiritual dari Timur?

Bisakah Anda memisahkan filosofi dan praktik spiritual dari Timur?

In recent years, the interest in Eastern religions, Eastern philosophies, and Eastern practices has significantly increased. Many people have adopted the knowledge, kebijaksanaan, doctrines, and practices that derive from Eastern religions and Eastern philosophies. Because of that Eastern religions

How do you know if Jesus Christ is in you?

How do you know if Jesus Christ is in you?

In Romans 8:10, Paulus menulis, If Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. What did Paul mean by that? How do you know if Christ is in

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