Strict God or a rebellious people

A strict God or a rebellious people?

No Antigo Testamento, we read about the relationship between God and His chosen people Israel (aqueles, who are born of the seed of Jacob; Israel). We read about God’s love for His people, His goodness, long-suffering, proteção, promises,…

Derramamento de sangue e ilegalidade na vinha da igreja

O derramamento de sangue e a ilegalidade na vinha

Many churches are not controlled and steered from a pure and good church board that acts according to the will of God, which is written in the Word, and represents, preaches, and brings the holiness and righteousness of the

Deus rejeitado de muitas igrejas

Deus rejeitado de muitas igrejas

The devil tempted mankind with the lie, that if man would eat from the fruit of the forbidden tree, man would not surely die, as God said, but that the eyes of man would be opened and man would

Perigo da atenção plena

Qual é o perigo da atenção plena?

Qual é o perigo da atenção plena? Porque a atenção plena soa tão maravilhosa e parece promissora; um feliz, pacífico, saudável, e vida energética sem estresse, Burnout, e exaustão. Sem depressão, ansiedade, medos, insônia, vício(é), Preocupações, ou inseguranças, mas um alegre…

Você pode separar o espiritual das filosofias e práticas orientais?

Você pode separar o espiritual das filosofias e práticas orientais?

In recent years, the interest in Eastern religions, Filosofias orientais, and Eastern practices has significantly increased. Many people have adopted the knowledge, sabedoria, doutrinas, and practices that derive from Eastern religions and Eastern philosophies. Because of that Eastern religions

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