Wat is die gevaar van bewustheid? Omdat bewustheid so wonderlik klink en belowend lyk; 'n gelukkige, vreedsaam, gesond, en energieke lewe sonder stres, uitbrand, en uitputting. Geen depressie nie, angs, vrese, slapeloosheid, verslawing(s), bekommernisse, of onsekerhede, but a joyful…
In recent years, the interest in Eastern religions, Oosterse filosofieë, and Eastern practices has significantly increased. Many people have adopted the knowledge, Wysheid, leerstellings, and practices that derive from Eastern religions and Eastern philosophies. Because of that Eastern religions…
In Romeine 8:10, Paulus het geskryf, If Christ is in you, die liggaam is dood weens sonde; maar die Gees is lewe vanweë die geregtigheid. What did Paul mean by that? How do you know if Christ is in…
Een van die (Valse) leerstellings wat in baie kerke geleer word, is die leer van binding in losbandigheid. This doctrine of ‘binding and loosing’ is already discussed in the blogpost ‘What did Jesus mean by binding and loosing?’. Egter,…
If people could see the value of the Word, they wouldn’t look somewhere else, searching for other doctrines, which bring forth apostasy and destruction in the lives of people. God’s Word possesses life and peace and brings victory in…