Kako znati je li Isus Krist u vama?

Kako znati je li Isus Krist u vama?

In Romans 8:10, Pavao je napisao, If Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. What did Paul mean by that? How do you know if Christ is in

God's Word brings victory in battle

Gods Word brings victory in battle

If people could see the value of the Word, they wouldn’t look somewhere else, searching for other doctrines, which bring forth apostasy and destruction in the lives of people. God’s Word possesses life and peace and brings victory in

How can you see the Kingdom of God

How to see the Kingdom of God?

Morate li se ponovno roditi da biste hodali u nadnaravnom? Ne, a person doesn’t have to be born again to walk in the supernatural and receive dreams and vision, predict the future, and do signs and wonders.

kada nacija zaboravlja Boga

Što se događa kada nacija zaboravi Boga?

Biblija nam pokazuje što se događa kada nacija zaboravi Boga. Ali unatoč povijesti i upozorenjima Riječi, postoje mnogi narodi koji su nekoć služili Bogu i slijedili Njegovu Riječ i hodali Božjim putem, ali dolje…

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