Greatness of God manifested in hopeless situations

The greatness of God manifested in hopeless situations

Throughout the Bible, we read about the greatness of God manifested in hopeless situations and natural impossibilities. Because the word ‘impossibleis not a word in God’s vocabulary. All things are possible for God! For those, who love God

Do you walk in the right armor

Do you walk in the right armor?

From the moment you are born again in Christ and transferred from the power of darkness into the Kingdom of God, you are no longer a son (both male and female) of the devil, but you have become a

When people don't listen to the voice of God

When people don’t listen to the voice of God

The old man is prideful and rebellious and relies on his own understanding and is not willing to listen to others, nor to the voice of God. Johanan and the captains of armies warned Gedaliah and tried to protect

Bahaya jika tidak mendengarkan

Apa bahayanya jika tidak mendengarkan?

Manusia yang belum lahir baru memiliki pikiran duniawi dan dipimpin oleh inderanya, perasaan, dan emosi. Orang tua itu sombong dan berkali-kali mengetahuinya lebih baik daripada yang lain. Orang tua itu pemberontak dan tidak suka koreksi(S), Tapi…

Banyak gereja telah menjadi reruntuhan

Banyak gereja telah menjadi reruntuhan

Many churches have allowed the spirit of the world to enter and because of that many Christians don’t live holy lives after the Spirit in obedience to the Word, but have become like the world and live after the

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