Kad ljudi ne slušaju Božji glas

Kad ljudi ne slušaju Božji glas

Starac je ponosan i buntovan i oslanja se na vlastito razumijevanje i nije spreman slušati druge, niti glasu Božjem. Johanan i vojni zapovjednici upozorili su Gedaliju i pokušali ih zaštititi…

Opasnost od neslušanja

Kakva je opasnost od neslušanja?

Neobuzdani čovjek ima tjelesni um i vode ga njegova osjetila, osjećaji, i emocijama. Starac je ponosan i mnogo puta to zna bolje od drugih. Starac je buntovan i ne voli korekciju(s), ali…

Mnoge su crkve postale ruševine

Mnoge su crkve postale ruševine

Many churches have allowed the spirit of the world to enter and because of that many Christians don’t live holy lives after the Spirit in obedience to the Word, but have become like the world and live after the

God's Word has the final word on the Day of Judgment

God’s Word has the final word on the Day of Judgment

The whole creation is created by God, Njegova Riječ, i Duh Sveti. Nothing has been created outside God’s Word. In the whole creation, God’s Word reigns, and His Word and His righteousness shall stand and reign forever (A.O.…

God's Word is a consuming fire

God’s Word is a consuming fire

The Bible contains the life of God. Every written word in the Bible brings forth life in the lives of people. No word of God shall return void. Therefore you would think that Christians spend a lot of time

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