Everything you see and what takes place in the world has its origin in the spiritual realm. The creation and all there is within is created by the Word and originated from the Spirit. Ngakho-ke, the creation testifies of…
There may be times in life, that Christians doubt the authenticity of the faith, the reliability of the Bible, and the existence of God. They wonder, is God Who He says He is, and does God listen? Is Jesus…
Kulezi zinsuku, iMithetho Eyishumi, uNkulunkulu awunika uMose, ngokuvamile zibhekwa njengobubi nomthwalo osindayo. AmaKristu amaningi abheka iMithetho Eyishumi kaNkulunkulu njengomthetho nobugqila. Futhi njengoba amaKristu ekhululiwe eMthethweni…
Ezindaweni ezihlukahlukene eBhayibhelini, kulotshiwe, ukuthi ukulalela kungcono kunomhlatshelo. Kodwa kungani ukulalela kungcono kunomhlatshelo? UNkulunkulu wayenike imithetho yemihlatshelo. Ngakho-ke ungacabanga ukuthi uNkulunkulu uyathokoza ngaye…
KwabaseKolose 3:17, UPawulu wabhala, Futhi noma yini eniyenzayo ngezwi noma ngesenzo, yenza konke eGameni leNkosi uJesu, bebonga uNkulunkulu uYise ngaye. Kusho ukuthini lokhu? Ungenza kanjani…