The whole creation is created by God, Jeho Slovo, a Duch svatý. Nothing has been created outside God’s Word. In the whole creation, God’s Word reigns, and His Word and His righteousness shall stand and reign forever (a.o.…
Bible obsahuje Boží život. Každé napsané slovo v Bibli vnáší do života lidí život. Žádné slovo Boží se nevrátí prázdné. Therefore you would think that Christians spend a lot of time…
Každé Boží slovo, které je zapsáno v Bibli, obsahuje poznání, moudrost, a život Boží. Boží slovo je pravda a zjevuje a.o. tajemství Božího království, zákon Ducha,…
God’s Word stands forever and brings deliverance for fallen man, who lives in the bondage of the kingdom of darkness. Since God is holy, His Word is holy. God’s Word is holy, alive, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged…
As discussed in the previous blog post, God’s Kingdom is eternal and God’s Word is settled forever. No one and nothing can change that. No one stands above God, not even the fallen angel Lucifer. Satan can attack the…