God's Word brings deliverance

God’s Word brings deliverance

As discussed in the previous blog post, God’s Kingdom is eternal and God’s Word is settled forever. No one and nothing can change that. No one stands above God, not even the fallen angel Lucifer. Satan can attack the

Mitoetra mandrakizay ny Tenin'Andriamanitra

Mitoetra mandrakizay ny Tenin'Andriamanitra

Andriamanitra nahary ny lanitra sy ny tany, ary ny zavatra rehetra izay ao anatin'ny; Ny seza fiandrianana rehetra hita maso sy tsy hita maso, Dominions, fanapahana, ary ny hery any an-danitra sy etỳ an-tany, Amin'ny alalan'ny Teny. The whole universe is created by God and therefore

Examine yourself whether you are in the faith 2 Corinthians 13:5

Examine yourself, whether you are in the faith

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 13:5 to examine yourself, whether you are in the faith, and prove your own self. There are many Christians, who go to church and say they believe and even perform signs and wonders,…

Misy ve ny ozona taranaka

Misy ve ny ozona taranaka?

Generational curses are a phenomenon that many Christians believe in. When someone struggles in life and experiences a lack or resistance and things don’t go according to the will of the person or if someone is tormented in the

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