God's Word is settled forever

God’s Word is settled forever

God created the heavens and the earth and all there is within; all visible and invisible thrones, dominions, rangatiratanga, and powers in the heavens and on earth, by the Word. The whole universe is created by God and therefore

Āta tirotiro i a koe anō mehemea kai roto koe i te whakapono 2 Koriniti 13:5

Āta tirotiro i a koe anō, ahakoa kei roto koe i te whakapono

E kī ana te Paipera i roto i 2 Koriniti 13:5 tirotiro i a koe anō, ahakoa kei roto koe i te whakapono, ka whakamatau i a koe anō. He maha nga Karaitiana, e haere ana ki te hahi, ka mea, e whakapono ana ratou, e mahi ana i nga tohu, i nga mea whakamiharo,…

Kei te tīariari ngā kanga whakatupuranga

Kei te tīariari ngā kanga whakatupuranga?

He tītohunga nga kanga whakatupuranga e whakapono ana te tokomaha o nga Karaitiana ki. Ki te tautohe tētahi tangata i roto i te ora me te wheako i te hapa, i te ātete rānei, ā, kāore ngā mea e rite ki te hiahia o te tangata, ki te whakamamaetia rānei tētahi tangata i roto i te…

hapa: Ka tiakina tenei ihirangi