God's Word is settled forever

God’s Word is settled forever

God created the heavens and the earth and all there is within; all visible and invisible thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers in the heavens and on earth, by the Word. The whole universe is created by God and therefore

Itlhahlobe hore na u tumelong 2 Korinthe 13:5

Itlhahlobe, leha o le tumelong

Bibele e re ho 2 Korinthe 13:5 ho itlhahloba, leha o le tumelong, mme o ipake. Ho na le Bakreste ba bangata, ba yang kerekeng mme ba re ba a dumela mme ba bile ba etsa mehlolo le meeka,…

Na lithohako tsa meloko li teng

Na lithohako tsa meloko li teng?

Lithohako tsa meloko ke ntho e makatsang eo Bakreste ba bangata ba lumelang ho eona. Ha motho a sokola bophelong mme a ba le bofokoli kapa khanyetso mme lintho li sa tsamaee ho ea ka thato ea motho kapa haeba motho a hlokofatsoa…

phoso: Litaba tsena li sirelelitsoe