Examine yourself whether you are in the faith 2 Korintiërs 13:5

Examine yourself, whether you are in the faith

The Bible says in 2 Korintiërs 13:5 to examine yourself, whether you are in the faith, and prove your own self. Daar is baie Christene, who go to church and say they believe and even perform signs and wonders,…

Bestaan ​​generasievloeke

Bestaan ​​generasievloeke?

Generasievloeke is 'n verskynsel waarin baie Christene glo. Wanneer iemand in die lewe sukkel en 'n gebrek of weerstand ervaar en dinge verloop nie volgens die wil van die persoon nie of as iemand in die…

Die Christus van God

Die Christus van God

When Jesus asked His disciples, who the people said He was, His disciples answered John the Baptist, but some said Elias, and others said one of the old prophets, who was risen. Then Jesus asked them, who they said

Hearers versus doers

The hearers versus the doers

In the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders (Matteus 7:24-27, Lukas 6:46-49), Jesus compared two kinds of believers; the hearers and the doers of the Word. The hearers and the doers both heard the same words, they had

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