The Christ of God

The Christ of God

When Jesus asked His disciples, who the people said He was, His disciples answered John the Baptist, but some said Elias, and others said one of the old prophets, who was risen. Then Jesus asked them, who they said

Auditeurs contre acteurs

Les auditeurs contre les acteurs

Dans la parabole des constructeurs sages et insensés (Matthieu 7:24-27, Luc 6:46-49), Jésus a comparé deux types de croyants; les auditeurs et les pratiquants de la Parole. Les auditeurs et les pratiquants entendirent tous deux les mêmes paroles, they had

The love and grace of God doesn't compromise with sin

The love and grace of God doesn’t compromise with sin

Out of love, God sent His Son to the earth as a sacrifice for fallen man. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the relationship between fallen man and God was restored. The Old Covenant, which was sealed with the

La foi sans contenu

La foi sans contenu

Almost every Christian is familiar with chapter 11 of the Book of Hebrews, which is also considered the chapter of faith. They are familiar with the definition of faith and are able to define the definition of faith. Mais…

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