God created the heavens and the earth and all there is within; all visible and invisible thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers in the heavens and on earth, by the Word. The whole universe is created by God and therefore…
Esau was the firstborn son of Isaac, who was entitled to the birthright. As the firstborn, Esau had a privileged position and was entitled to the blessing and the promise of the inheritance of his father Isaac. But in…
The Bible says in 2 고린도전서 13:5 to examine yourself, whether you are in the faith, and prove your own self. 기독교인이 많네요, who go to church and say they believe and even perform signs and wonders,…
Generational curses are a phenomenon that many Christians believe in. 누군가 삶에서 어려움을 겪고, 결핍이나 저항을 경험하고, 일이 그 사람의 의지대로 되지 않을 때, 또는 누군가가 삶에서 괴로워할 때…
인간이 자신의 지위에 빠져 마귀에게 열쇠를 넘겨준 후에, 하나님은 뱀에게 예언하셨다, 악마, 그와 그의 통치권은 어떻게 될 것인가. 마귀는 교만으로 자신의 사명을 생각했습니다.,…