Boží Kristus

Boží Kristus

When Jesus asked His disciples, who the people said He was, His disciples answered John the Baptist, but some said Elias, and others said one of the old prophets, who was risen. Then Jesus asked them, who they said

Hearers versus doers

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In the parable of the wise and foolish builders (Matúš 7:24-27, Luke 6:46-49), Jesus compared two kinds of believers; the hearers and the doers of the Word. The hearers and the doers both heard the same words, they had

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Almost every Christian is familiar with chapter 11 of the Book of Hebrews, which is also considered the chapter of faith. They are familiar with the definition of faith and are able to define the definition of faith. ale…

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Nájdem vieru na zemi?

V Lukovi 18:1-8, Jesus told His disciples the parable of the unrighteous judge and asked them a question. When the Son of man comes, či nájde vieru na zemi? Shall Jesus find faith on the earth when

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