obrázok glóbusu s názvom blog Nájdem vieru na zemi?

Nájdem vieru na zemi?

V Lukovi 18:1-8, Jesus told His disciples the parable of the unrighteous judge and asked them a question. When the Son of man comes, či nájde vieru na zemi? Shall Jesus find faith on the earth when

kľúčom k vypočutým modlitbám

Čo je kľúčom k vypočutým modlitbám?

Many Christians are looking for the key to answered prayers. Because who doesn’t want their prayers to be answered? Samozrejme, everyone wants their prayers to be answered. Because if prayers wouldn’t be answered, what’s the point of praying?…

Autor večnej spásy

Autor večnej spásy

Ježiš Kristus, Syn živého Boha, was the Firstborn of the new creation. Ježiš nám ukázal, čo znamená poslušnosť Otcovi. Hoci Ježiš bol Božím Synom, a stále je, Jesus didn’t learn obedience to

Difference between Jesus and religious leaders

The difference between Jesus and the religious leaders

What was the difference between Jesus and the religious leaders? The religious leaders had a lot of head knowledge and high self-esteem. They thought they lived piously and were good men, but nothing was as it seemed. Because when

The message nobody wants to hear

The message that nobody wants to hear

V priebehu rokov, the ears of Christians have become so used to the vain philosophies and doctrines of man, that they can’t endure the truth of God and His words anymore. And so the true message that nobody wants

chyba: Tento obsah je chránený