Out of love, God sent His Son to the earth as a sacrifice for fallen man. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the relationship between fallen man and God was restored. The Old Covenant, which was sealed with the…
Almost every Christian is familiar with chapter 11 of the Book of Hebrews, which is also considered the chapter of faith. They are familiar with the definition of faith and are able to define the definition of faith. Kodwa…
KuLuka 18:1-8, UJesu watshela abafundi bakhe umfanekiso womahluleli ongalungile futhi wababuza umbuzo. Lapho iNdodana yomuntu ifika, uyakufumana ukukholwa emhlabeni? Ingabe uJesu uyokuthola ukukholwa emhlabeni lapho…
AmaKristu amaningi afuna isihluthulelo semithandazo ephendulwayo. Ngoba ubani ongafuni ukuba imithandazo yabo iphendulwe? Kunjalo, wonke umuntu ufuna ukuphendulwa imithandazo yakhe. Ngoba ukube imithandazo ibingeke iphendulwe, yini iphuzu lokuthandaza?…
UJesu Kristu, iNdodana kaNkulunkulu ophilayo, wayeyizibulo lesidalwa esisha. UJesu wasibonisa ukuthi kusho ukuthini ukulalela uBaba. Nakuba uJesu wayeyiNdodana kaNkulunkulu, futhi kusenjalo, UJesu akazange afunde ukulalela…