Molti cristiani cercano la chiave per esaudire le preghiere. Perché chi non vuole che le proprie preghiere siano esaudite? If prayers wouldn’t be answered, A cosa serve pregare? It happens often that Christians become frustrated and discouraged when…
Gesù Cristo, il Figlio del Dio vivente, was the Firstborn of the new creation. Jesus showed us what obedience to the Father means. Although Jesus was the Son of God, e lo è ancora, Jesus didn’t learn obedience to…
What was the difference between Jesus and the religious leaders? The religious leaders had a lot of head knowledge and high self-esteem. They thought they lived piously and were good men, but nothing was as it seemed. Because when…
Nel corso degli anni, le orecchie dei cristiani si sono così abituate alle vane filosofie e dottrine dell'uomo, che non possono più sopportare la verità di Dio e le Sue parole. And so the true message that nobody wants…
Viviamo in un mondo, where thankfulness is often hard to find, including the thankfulness of the sons of God. Many Christians are not thankful even when they say they are thankful. But their words and actions in life…