Destructive power of the strange woman

The destructive power of the strange woman

God sent His Word to the earth, so that, everyone, who would believe in His Word be saved from the power of darkness and be given the power to become a son of God (約翰 1:1-14). Those, who believe



The church has developed an image, that all the (religious) leaders of God’s people; the scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees, were bad and overwhelmed God’s people with all kinds of rules, laws, 儀式, ETC. which were not according to the

Jesus wasn't ashamed

Jesus wasn’t ashamed

Jesus wasn’t ashamed of His Father, because Jesus loved His Father with all His heart, 靈魂, 介意, and strength. Although Jesus served man, 耶穌’ life stood not in the service of man and to please them, but Jesus’ life

Suffering and mockery of Jesus Christ

The suffering and mockery of Jesus Christ

Jesus is the living Word of God, Who came to the earth to preach and bring the Kingdom of God in word and deed to the people of God and to restore the position of fallen man. Jesus knew

Are you a friend of Jesus john 15:14

Are you a friend of Jesus?

上帝啊, 上帝的兒子, showed His great love for His Father and those, whom He called His friends by laying down His life. Those, who would give heed to His call and believe in Jesus and accept

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