Jesus wasn't ashamed

Jesus wasn’t ashamed

Jesus wasn’t ashamed of His Father, because Jesus loved His Father with all His heart, 魂, 心, and strength. Although Jesus served man, イエス’ life stood not in the service of man and to please them, but Jesus’ life

Suffering and mockery of Jesus Christ

The suffering and mockery of Jesus Christ

Jesus is the living Word of God, Who came to the earth to preach and bring the Kingdom of God in word and deed to the people of God and to restore the position of fallen man. Jesus knew

あなたはイエス・ジョンの友達ですか 15:14


イエス・キリスト, 神の子, showed His great love for His Father and those, whom He called His friends by laying down His life. それらの, who would give heed to His call and believe in Jesus and accept

Sin killed Jesus

The sin killed Jesus

Jesus came to the earth to deal with sin and the authority of the devil in the sinful nature of the flesh of fallen man. Although many of the Jewish people rejected Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah, そして…



ヨハネの福音書の聖書に 15:1-8, イエスは言いました。, わたしはまことのぶどうの木であり、わたしの父は夫であり、わたしの中の実を結ばない枝はすべて取り除き、実を結ぶ枝はすべて清める…

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