جلب يسوع السيف على الأرض

السيف, جلب يسوع على الأرض

جاء يسوع إلى الأرض ليخلص الإنسان من قوة الشيطان, جرم, والموت والتوفيق بين الإنسان والله واستعادة مكانة الإنسان الساقط. بالإيمان بيسوع المسيح ومن خلال التجديد لن يعود الإنسان…

أعاد يسوع مكانة الإنسان الساقط

أعاد يسوع مكانة الإنسان الساقط

خلق الله الإنسان على صورته على مثاله وعين الإنسان حاكما على الأرض ليكون له السيادة على الأرض (الجنرال 1:26-28). كان الإنسان ابن الله وسار مع الله وعاش في سلام مع…

Jesus restored the peace between fallen man and God

How Jesus restored the peace between fallen man and God

From the moment, that man decided to listen to the serpent (الشيطان; the fallen arch angel) and followed up his advice, instead of obeying the commandment of God, man lost his spiritual position as a son of God,…

Life coaches instead of spiritual fathers, motivational speakers

Life coaches instead of spiritual fathers

Many church leaders have become life coaches instead of spiritual fathers. The spiritual fathers have changed their role as shepherds of the flock and have become motivational speakers, who feed the flesh of the people. They focus on the

What kind of peace did Jesus bring on earth

What kind of peace did Jesus bring on earth?

Jesus is the Prince of peace and He came to earth to bring peace. But what kind of peace did Jesus bring on earth? There are many people, who have created an image of Jesus as a kind, loving,…

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