Jesus brought the sword on earth

The sword, Jesus brought on earth

Jesus came to earth to deliver man from the power of the devil, Sünde, and death and to reconcile man back to God and restore the position of fallen man. By faith in Jesus Christ and through regeneration man would no longer

Jesus restored the peace between fallen man and God

How Jesus restored the peace between fallen man and God

From the moment, that man decided to listen to the serpent (der Teufel; the fallen arch angel) and followed up his advice, instead of obeying the commandment of God, man lost his spiritual position as a son of God,…

Lebensberater statt spirituelle Väter, Motivationsredner

Lebensberater statt spirituelle Väter

Viele Kirchenführer sind zu Lebensberatern statt zu geistlichen Vätern geworden. The spiritual fathers have changed their role as shepherds of the flock and have become motivational speakers, who feed the flesh of the people. They focus on the

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