Jésus a restauré la position de l'homme déchu

Jésus a restauré la position de l'homme déchu

God created man in His image after His likeness and appointed man as ruler on the earth to have dominion over the earth (Gén. 1:26-28). Man was a son of God and walked with God and lived in peace with

Jesus restored the peace between fallen man and God

How Jesus restored the peace between fallen man and God

À partir de l’instant, that man decided to listen to the serpent (le diable; the fallen arch angel) and followed up his advice, instead of obeying the commandment of God, man lost his spiritual position as a son of God,…

Des coachs de vie au lieu de pères spirituels, conférenciers motivateurs

Des coachs de vie au lieu de pères spirituels

Many church leaders have become life coaches instead of spiritual fathers. They are focused on the well-being of the soul and body, encourage the people with their motivational words and provide worldly methods and technics so that the people

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