La vigne de Sodome Deutéronome 32

La vigne de Sodome

Presque tous les chrétiens connaissent l’histoire de Sodome et Gomorrhe et savent ce qui s’est passé à Sodome et Gomorrhe. Les habitants de Sodome étaient méchants et de grands pécheurs contre Dieu. The sin in Sodom and Gomorrah was so

image du globe et titre Artisans de paix de Dieu

Les artisans de paix de Dieu

Dans Matthieu 5:9, il est écrit, that blessed are the peacemakers: car ils seront appelés enfants de Dieu. God has called His children to be peacemakers on earth. Just like Jesus was a Peacemaker and came to

Jésus a apporté l’épée sur la terre

L’épée, Jésus est venu sur terre

Jesus came to earth to deliver man from the power of the devil, péché, and death and to reconcile man back to God and restore the position of fallen man. By faith in Jesus Christ and through regeneration man would no longer

Jésus a restauré la position de l'homme déchu

Jésus a restauré la position de l'homme déchu

God created man in His image after His likeness and appointed man as ruler on the earth to have dominion over the earth (Gén. 1:26-28). Man was a son of God and walked with God and lived in peace with

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