Jizọs weghachiri ọkwá nwoke dara ada

Jizọs weghachiri ọkwá nwoke dara ada

Chineke kere mmadụ n’onyinyo Ya dị ka oyiyi ya wee họpụta mmadụ ka ọ bụrụ onye ọchịchị n’elu ụwa ka ọ na-achị ụwa (Gen 1:26-28). Mmadụ bụụrụ nwa Chineke ma soro Chineke na-ejegharị wee biri n’udo…

Life coaches instead of spiritual fathers, motivational speakers

Life coaches instead of spiritual fathers

Many church leaders have become life coaches instead of spiritual fathers. They are focused on the well-being of the soul and body, encourage the people with their motivational words and provide worldly methods and technics so that the people

What kind of peace did Jesus bring on earth

What kind of peace did Jesus bring on earth?

Jesus is the Prince of peace and He came to earth to bring peace. But what kind of peace did Jesus bring on earth? There are many people, who have created an image of Jesus as a kind, loving,…

mperi: A na-echekwa ọdịnaya a