God created man in His image after His likeness and appointed man as ruler on the earth to have dominion over the earth (Gen 1:26-28). Man was a son of God and walked with God and lived in peace with…
מהרגע, האיש הזה החליט להקשיב לנחש (השטן; מלאך הקשת שנפל) ומילא אחר עצתו, במקום לציית למצוות ה', האדם איבד את מעמדו הרוחני כבן אלוהים,…
Many church leaders have become life coaches instead of spiritual fathers. The spiritual fathers have changed their role as shepherds of the flock to motivational speakers. They encourage the people, feed the flesh and focus on the well-being of…
ישוע הוא נסיך השלום והוא בא לארץ כדי להביא שלום. אבל איזה סוג של שלום הביא ישוע עלי אדמות? יש הרבה אנשים, שיצרו דמות של ישוע כמין, אוהב,…
Jesus preached and brought the Kingdom of God. He called the people of God to repentance and did many signs and wonders. Although Jesus did many mighty works, He could do many mighty works in His hometown. But why…