The purpose of the armor of God

Koja je svrha Božjeg oružja?

What is the purpose of the armor of God according to the Bible? The purpose of the armor of God is to be able to stand against the wiles of the devil, withstand in the evil day, and having

are you allowed to speak about the devil

Are you allowed to speak about the devil?

U mnogim crkvama, the devil and his works are no longer mentioned. The majority of Christians bury their heads in the sand and pretend like the devil, who is the enemy of God and therefore also their enemy, Ne…

Guest without wedding garment, parable wedding feast Matthew 22

Who is the guest without a wedding garment?

In the parable of the wedding feast, Jesus compared the Kingdom of heaven to a king, who made a marriage for his son. The guests, who were invited had put on their wedding garment, except one. There was one

Opasnost od suvenira

Koja je opasnost od suvenira?

Ljeto je počelo i mnogi ljudi uživaju u odmoru i putuju po cijelom svijetu do svoje destinacije za odmor. Mnogi su ljudi proširili svoje vidike i putovali u zemlje poput Afrike, Azija, i Južna Amerika. Čim…

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