撒旦的宝座 撒旦的宝座, 别迦摩 撒旦的宝座启示 2:13


The seven cities, which are mentioned in the Book of Revelation, were part of Asia Minor and belonged to the Roman empire. Despite the Roman conquest, the Greek culture predominated. 所以, the cities were full of the occult. 这…



The spirit of Eli operates in many churches. But what is the spirit of Eli? How do you recognize the spirit of Eli? What are the main characteristics of the spirit of Eli? In order to answer these questions,…

耶洗别的教义, 什么是耶洗别精神


在启示录中 2:19-27, 耶稣对推雅推喇教会说,教会允许女人耶洗别, 她自称为女先知,从撒旦的深处运作. The spirit of Jezebel and the doctrine of Jezebel seduced

巴兰的教义, 巴兰的工资, 巴兰的道路


在《启示录》中, Jesus not only mentioned the doctrine of the Nicolaitans and the works of the Nicolaitans, 耶稣所憎恶的, 但耶稣也提到了巴兰的教义. 在别迦摩教堂, 有一些,…

尼哥拉一党的教义 尼哥拉一党的著作, who were the Nicolaitans in the Bible


我们在圣经中读到的关于尼哥拉一党的事,以及启示录中提到的尼哥拉一党的教义和工作,我们都读得不多。 2:6 和 2:15. We only know from the Bible that the doctrine of the Nicolaitans

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