Regreso al Antiguo Pacto

Por qué los cristianos regresan al Antiguo Pacto?

hay muchos cristianos, who become born again and begin to walk after the Spirit, but after a while something happens and they go back to the Old Covenant and begin to apply all kinds of rules, regulaciones, Rituales,…

¿Qué odia Jesús??

¿Qué odia Jesús??

Tal vez te sorprenda el título de este artículo y hayas pensado: "Qué? ¿Odia Jesús?? No es posible, Jesús es amor y no puede odiar. Jesús no odia, but Jesus loves.” Well, the Word not only reveals the righteous love

Jesús, un promotor del pecado

¿Es Jesús un promotor del pecado??

The gospel of Jesus Christ and the preaching of the cross and the blood have been compromised and changed into a gospel of people that promotes sin. But is Jesus a Promoter of sin? “Come as you are, tú…

Puberty an excuse for demonic manifestations

Puberty, an excuse for demonic manifestations

When people hear the word puberty, the majority shall not immediately think about the natural process of physical changes into maturity, but think about rebellious teenagers, who don’t want to listen and submit to their parents, but are disobedient

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