throne of satan seat of satan, pergamum satan's throne Revelation 2:13

Froni i Satanit

The seven cities, which are mentioned in the Book of Revelation, were part of Asia Minor and belonged to the Roman empire. Despite the Roman conquest, the Greek culture predominated. Prandaj, the cities were full of the occult. Të…

fushë bari imazh dhe llambë me titull artikulli shpirti i Elit

Shpirti i Elit

Fryma e Elit vepron në shumë kisha. Por cili është shpirti i Elit? Si e njihni shpirtin e Elit?? What are the main characteristics of the spirit of Eli? Për t'iu përgjigjur këtyre pyetjeve,…

Doktrina e Jezebelës, çfarë është fryma e Jezabelit

Cila është doktrina e Jezebelës?

Në Zbulesë 2:19-27, Jezusi i tha kishës në Tiatirë se kisha e lejoi gruan Jezebel, e cila e quajti veten një profeteshë dhe vepronte nga thellësitë e Satanait. The spirit of Jezebel and the doctrine of Jezebel seduced

Doctrine of Balaam, wages of Balaam, way of Balaam

Cila është doktrina e Balaamit?

In the Book of Revelation, Jesus not only mentioned the doctrine of the Nicolaitans and the works of the Nicolaitans, which Jesus hated, but Jesus also mentioned the doctrine of Balaam. In the church of Pergamos, there were some,…

The doctrine of the Nicolaitans works of the Nicolaitans, who were the Nicolaitans in the Bible

Doktrina dhe veprat e Nikolaitëve

We don’t read much about the Nicolaitans in the Bible and about the doctrine and works of the Nicolaitans that are mentioned in Revelation 2:6 dhe 2:15. We only know from the Bible that the doctrine of the Nicolaitans

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