Vai baznīca ir kļuvusi par zagļu namu?

Vai baznīca ir kļuvusi par zagļu namu?

Dieva templis bija kļuvis par zagļu namu (laupītāju dens), kur tika izdarītas negantības. Un gandrīz 2000 gadus vēlāk, tautai izdevās baznīcu padarīt par zagļu denu. Tā vietā, lai atjaunotos, the church has degenerated and

Was David a man after God's own heart?

Was David a man after God’s own heart?

David was a man after God’s own heart, is cited by many Christians to approve adultery (infidelity) and fornication of Christians, especially of preachers. The many other Scriptures in which God condemns the works of the flesh (grēks) are

When money becomes your god

When money becomes your god

Money is not evil, but the love for money is evil, is quoted by many Christians. It sounds so pious and of course it is true, because the Bible says in 1 Timothy 6:10, that the love of money

kļūda: Šis saturs ir aizsargāts