A criança perdida

A criança perdida

Há muitas crianças, que não são felizes e não sabem realmente quem são, e se sentir perdido na sociedade. Many children feel like a lost child and are depressed and don’t want to live anymore. Although God has

Alguém tem que pagar o preço

Alguém tem que pagar o preço!

Everybody knows that when you violate the law you will receive a penalty. When you drive and exceed the speed limit, and violate the law, you could be rewarded for your deed and receive a fine. Many people complain

What is Baptism with fire

O que é o batismo com fogo?

Existem muitos cristãos, who long for the baptism with fire. Because of all the teachings about the baptism with fire, they have a certain expectation of the baptism with fire and want to receive this baptism with fire.

Who was John the baptist man who didn't bow

João Batista, O homem que não se curvou

Who was John the Baptist? John the Baptist was a man, who was chosen and set apart from the people by God and didn’t bow to people. John the Baptist was the son of the priest Zacharias and Elisabeth,…

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