Was Jesus a Friend of publicans tax collectors

Was Jesus a Friend of publicans?

‘Jesus was a Friend of publicans and sinners’ is often used by believers, to compromise and make friends with the world, tolerate and approve sin, leave the commandments of the Word and live according to their own will, just

lie of levels

The lie of levels

In almost every religion and human philosophy, there are levels, which people can achieve through the means of natural knowledge, technics and methods. If you want to enter a new level, you should first do something to achieve that

Why was Jesus crucified on a wooden tree

Why was Jesus crucified on a wooden cross?

When Jesus was sentenced to death, Jesus was crucified on a wooden cross. But why? Why wasn’t Jesus stoned to death? Why was Jesus crucified on a wooden cross? What happened when someone committed a sin worthy of death

The true meaning of the cross

What is the true meaning of the cross?

There are many Christians who preach the cross, while they live as enemies of the cross. What is the true meaning of the cross according to the Bible? What is the significance of the cross? What does the cross

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