

There are many children, who are not happy and don’t really know who they are, and feel lost in society. Many children feel like a lost child and are depressed and don’t want to live anymore. Although God has

Someone has to pay the price

Someone has to pay the price!

Everybody knows that when you violate the law you will receive a penalty. When you drive and exceed the speed limit, and violate the law, you could be rewarded for your deed and receive a fine. Many people complain

What is Baptism with fire


有很多基督徒, who long for the baptism with fire. Because of all the teachings about the baptism with fire, they have a certain expectation of the baptism with fire and want to receive this baptism with fire.

Who was John the baptist man who didn't bow

施洗约翰, 没有鞠躬的人

Who was John the Baptist? John the Baptist was a man, who was chosen and set apart from the people by God and didn’t bow to people. John the Baptist was the son of the priest Zacharias and Elisabeth,…

man on the white horse Revelation 6:1-2

谁是启示录中骑白马的骑手 6:2?

在启示录中 6:2, we read about the rider on the white horse, who had a bow and to whom a crown was given and went forth conquering and to conquer. But who is the rider on the white horse?…

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