Prestani kriviti Boga

Prestani kriviti Boga!

Zašto je Bog dopustio da se to dogodi? Zašto Bog nije nešto učinio? I zašto Bog ne iscjeljuje tu osobu? Zašto je Bog dopustio da ta osoba umre? Why does God allow natural disasters and wars? Ako Bog uistinu postoji,…

Why was Jesus crucified on a wooden tree

Zašto je Isus razapet na drvenom križu?

When Jesus was sentenced to death, Jesus was crucified on a wooden cross. But why? Why wasn’t Jesus stoned to death? Zašto je Isus razapet na drvenom križu? What happened when someone committed a sin worthy of death

Pravo značenje križa

Koje je pravo značenje križa?

There are many Christians who preach the cross, while they live as enemies of the cross. What is the true meaning of the cross according to the Bible? What is the significance of the cross? What does the cross

razapinjanje tijela

Razapinjanje tijela

If you don’t acknowledge and consider sin as evil, but justify and accept sin, it proves that your eyes are still covered and that you are living behind the veil of lies. As long as you habitually keep living

Možete li živjeti životom uskrsnuća bez smrti

Možete li živjeti životom uskrsnuća bez smrti?

Many Christians want to live the resurrection life. But they are not willing to give up their lives in the world and die to the flesh. Walking in the resurrection life without dying is the message that many churches

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