thakgiso ya nama

thakgiso ya nama

If you don’t acknowledge and consider sin as evil, but justify and accept sin, it proves that your eyes are still covered and that you are living behind the veil of lies. As long as you habitually keep living

Na u ka phela bophelo ba tsoho ntle le ho shoa

Na u ka phela bophelo ba tsoho ntle le ho shoa?

Many Christians want to live the resurrection life. But they are not willing to give up their lives in the world and die to the flesh. Walking in the resurrection life without dying is the message that many churches

Necessity of persistent prayer

The necessity of persistent prayer

Ho Bakolose 4:2, Paul commanded to give constant attention to prayer, constantly vigilant in it with thanksgiving. Every born again Christian should have a prayer life and pray persistently. Because through obedience to God and His Word and persistent

crucifixion of the soul

The crucifixion of the soul

Jesus knew the purpose of His coming to earth and the difficult way He had to go. When Jesus went with Peter, Johanne, and James, up to the mountain to pray, Moses and Elijah appeared unto Him. Moses and

secret of forgiveness

What is the secret of forgiveness?

Many people live with resentment and hold a grudge against others for all the wrongs and injustice that has been done to them. Their mind is filled with painful memories of the past and thoughts of them being wronged,…

phoso: Litaba tsena li sirelelitsoe