Necessity of persistent prayer

La necesidad de la oración persistente

En Colosenses 4:2, Paul commanded to give constant attention to prayer, constantly vigilant in it with thanksgiving. Every born again Christian should have a prayer life and pray persistently. Because through obedience to God and His Word and persistent

crucifixión del alma

La crucifixión del alma

Jesus knew the purpose of His coming to earth and the difficult way He had to go. When Jesus went with Peter, John, and James, up to the mountain to pray, Moses and Elijah appeared unto Him. Moses and

secreto del perdon

¿Cuál es el secreto del perdón??

Many people live with resentment and hold a grudge against others for all the wrongs and injustice that has been done to them. Their mind is filled with painful memories of the past and thoughts of them being wronged,…

¿Por qué los predicadores no predican la verdad de Dios?

Por qué muchos predicadores no predican la verdad de Dios

Por tanto, te encargo delante de Dios, y el Señor Jesucristo, quien juzgará a los vivos y a los muertos en su aparición y en su reino; Predicar la palabra; ser instantáneo en temporada, fuera de temporada; reprender, reprensión, exhort with

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