why preachers do not preach the truth of God

Why many preachers don’t preach the truth of God

I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Káž slovo; buďte okamžití v sezóne, mimo sezóny; pokarhanie, pokarhanie, exhort with

deceived by my feelings

Deceived by my feelings

Many people are being deceived by their feelings. Hovorí sa, že, that feelings are deceptive. But although people are aware that feelings are deceptive, there are many people, who are still led by their feelings. They trust and rely

Is man created in the image of God

Is man created in the image of God?

Every Christian is familiar with the story of the creation of the heaven and the earth in the Bible, including the creation of man, who is created in the image of God (and God said, Let Us make man

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