Many people are being deceived by their feelings. It is said, that feelings are deceptive. But although people are aware that feelings are deceptive, there are many people, who are still led by their feelings. They trust and rely…
Svaki kršćanin je upoznat s pričom o stvaranju neba i zemlje u Bibliji, uključujući stvaranje čovjeka, koji je stvoren na sliku Božju (i Bog je rekao, Učinimo čovjeka…
Proteklih godina, Bilo je mnogo rasprava i rasprava o kreacionizmu i evolucionizmu, unutar i izvan crkve. Zbog znanstvene izjave o svijetu koja je proizašla iz tjelesnog uma čovjeka,…
Mnogo je propovjednika, who are carnal and belong to the world and have the same tendency as their father the devil, and that is to sow doubt in the hearts of the believers. Their mission is to ensure…
More and more children, teenagers, and adults are diagnosed with ADHD. The world loves to analyze the behavior of people and to label and classify people. As soon as someone shows some kind of behavior, koji, according to the…