Morate li se ponovno roditi da biste hodali u nadnaravnom

Morate li se ponovno roditi da biste hodali u nadnaravnom?

Although people have always been drawn to the supernatural spiritual realm, in recent years, there has been a significant increase of interest in the supernatural and how to walk in the supernatural. More and more people open themselves for

insulting the Spirit of grace

Insulting the Spirit of grace

For if we go on sinning willfully after having received a full knowledge of the truth, no longer for sins does there remain a sacrifice, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation which is about to

Možeš li nastaviti griješiti pod milošću?

Možeš li nastaviti griješiti pod milošću?

We are no longer under the law, ali pod milošću, is used by many Christians to exculpate themselves from their duty and responsibilities to keep the commandments of Jesus and fulfill the great commission and walk as sons of

The law versus grace

Koja je razlika između zakona i milosti?

Koja je razlika između zakona i milosti u Bibliji? A kakav je odnos između zakona i milosti? It’s important to know that the will of God existed before the coming of the law of

what is grace

What is grace?

In the modern gospel of grace, everything is allowed. All behavior, uključujući grijeh, is allowed and accepted, due to the so-called love of God and the grace of God. This means that you can stay the way you are,…

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