insulting the Spirit of grace

Insulting the Spirit of grace

For if we go on sinning willfully after having received a full knowledge of the truth, no longer for sins does there remain a sacrifice, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation which is about to

èske w ka kenbe peche anba favè?

èske w ka kenbe peche anba favè?

We are no longer under the law, but under grace, is used by many Christians to exculpate themselves from their duty and responsibilities to keep the commandments of Jesus and fulfill the great commission and walk as sons of

Lalwa kont favè

Ki diferans ki genyen ant lalwa ak gras?

Ki diferans ki genyen ant lalwa ak gras nan Bib la? Ak ki relasyon ki genyen ant lalwa ak favè Bondye a? Li enpòtan pou konnen volonte Bondye te egziste anvan lwa a te vini an…

ki sa ki gras

Ki sa ki gras?

In the modern gospel of grace, everything is allowed. Tout konpòtman, enkli peche, se pèmèt ak aksepte, due to the so-called love of God and the grace of God. This means that you can stay the way you are,…

pèdi nan lanmè a nan favè

Pèdi nan lanmè a nan favè Bondye a

Lagras san repantans pa egziste. Kounye a, ou ta ka panse: "byen, wi, sa evidan, tout moun konnen sa." Men, aparamman, sa a se pa kòm evidan jan li sanble, paske si kretyen yo ta konnen e konprann sa sa vle di, Lè sa a, lavi yo…

erè: Kontni sa a pwoteje