Do you have to be born again to walk in the supernatural

Do you have to be born again to walk in the supernatural?

Although people have always been drawn to the supernatural spiritual realm, in recent years, there has been a significant increase of interest in the supernatural and how to walk in the supernatural. More and more people open themselves for

insultando o Espírito da graça

Insultando o Espírito da graça

For if we go on sinning willfully after having received a full knowledge of the truth, no longer for sins does there remain a sacrifice, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation which is about to

Você pode continuar pecando sob a graça?

Você pode continuar pecando sob a graça?

We are no longer under the law, mas sob a graça, is used by many Christians to exculpate themselves from their duty and responsibilities to keep the commandments of Jesus and fulfill the great commission and walk as sons of

A lei versus graça

Qual é a diferença entre a lei e a graça?

What is the difference between the law and grace in the Bible? And what is the relation between the law and grace? It’s important to know that the will of God existed before the coming of the law of

what is grace

O que é graça?

No evangelho moderno da graça, tudo é permitido. Todos os comportamentos, incluindo pecado, é permitido e aceito, devido ao chamado amor de Deus e à graça de Deus. Isso significa que você pode ficar do jeito que está,…

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