why is the prosperity gospel preached

Why the prosperity gospel is preached

In the previous blog post the modern gospel was discussed, which has been changed into a prosperity gospel, whereby everything revolves around the material and financial prosperity and wealth of the carnal man. God is a Provider and He

Minä annan teille maailman rikkaudet

Minä annan teille maailman rikkaudet

“I will give you the riches of the world” is the message, that is preached in many churches today. The modern gospel has been changed into a prosperity gospel for the carnal man. Everything revolves around man and the

Does anointing oil have power?

Does anointing oil have power?

The holy anointing oil and olive oil are still used among many Christians. Christians use the oil for several purposes, for example, to putand consecrate someone into an office (ministry), sanctify houses, buildings, and objects, and to

Mitä Raamattu sanoo voitelusta

Mitä Raamattu sanoo voitelusta

There are a lot of doctrines about the anointing. Many of these doctrines are false doctrines that led many Christians astray and away from the truth. But what is the truth about the anointing? What does the anointing mean

Kuinka monta voidetta on olemassa

Kuinka monta voidetta on olemassa?

Viime vuosikymmeninä, Monia oppeja erilaisista voiteluista on saarnattu kaikkialla maailmassa. Äkkiä, Siellä oli päivittäinen voitelu, Seitsenkertainen voitelu; Jahven voitelu, Herran pelon voitelu, the anointing

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