Legea versus har

Care este diferența dintre lege și har?

What is the difference between the law and grace in the Bible? And what is the relation between the law and grace? It’s important to know that the will of God existed before the coming of the law of

what is grace

Ce este harul?

În Evanghelia modernă a harului, totul este permis. Tot comportamentul, inclusiv păcatul, este permis și acceptat, datorită așa-zisei iubiri de Dumnezeu și harului lui Dumnezeu. Asta înseamnă că poți rămâne așa cum ești,…

lost in the sea of grace

Lost in the sea of grace

Grace without repentance doesn’t exist. Acum, you might think: “well, yeah, that’s obvious, everybody knows that.” But apparently, this is not as obvious as it seems, because if Christians would know and understood what this means, then the lives

De ce este predicată Evanghelia prosperității

De ce este predicată evanghelia prosperității

In the previous blog post the modern gospel was discussed, which has been changed into a prosperity gospel, whereby everything revolves around the material and financial prosperity and wealth of the carnal man. God is a Provider and He

Îți voi da bogățiile lumii

Îți voi da bogățiile lumii

“I will give you the riches of the world” is the message, that is preached in many churches today. The modern gospel has been changed into a prosperity gospel for the carnal man. Everything revolves around man and the

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