The holy anointing oil and olive oil are still used among many Christians. Christians use the oil for several purposes, napríklad, to put – and consecrate someone into an office (ministry), sanctify houses, buildings, and objects, a do…
Existuje veľa doktrín o pomazaní. Mnohé z týchto doktrín sú falošnými doktrínami, ktoré zviedli mnohých kresťanov na scestie a preč od pravdy. Aká je však pravda o tom pomazaní? Čo znamená pomazanie…
Za posledné desaťročia, mnoho doktrín o rôznych pomazaniach sa kázalo po celom svete. Zrazu, bolo denné pomazanie, sedemnásobné pomazanie; pomazanie Jahveho, pomazanie bázne pred Pánom, pomazanie…
Every person on this earth has to deal with circumstances and situations in life, which may be pleasant or not so pleasant. Since many Christians remain carnal and led by their flesh, their mood, pocity, and emotions depend upon…
We live in a broken world, that’s true. But can you use a broken world as an excuse, to keep doing those things, which are an abomination to God and go against His will? Can you use a broken world…